The Diocesan Education Service is working in partnership with Aquinas Education. Working in collaboration with Aquinas Education offers additional support to our schools, meeting their recruitment needs across our Diocese and putting in place recruitment and retention within Catholic Education.
Aquinas will also be supporting our CPD Programme and we will be working with the Aquinas Foundation to support additional course places.
The Memorandum on the Appointment of Teachers in Catholic Schools is an important document. Issued by the Bishops of England and Wales, it sets out their collective requirement on all Catholic schools, be they maintained schools, independent schools, non-maintained special schools or academies, in relation to staffing and the use of CES contracts of employment, workplace policies and associated model employment documents for Catholic schools.
The CES published the amended version of this document on 11 September 2014. All Catholic school
Governing Bodies must ensure they have a copy of the Memorandum and that they comply with it.
When considering senior leadership appointments, governors should also refer to Diocesan Guidance for
Governing Bodies and Headteachers on the appointment of Headteachers, Deputy Headteachers, Assistant
Headteachers, Heads of Religious Education and school Chaplains:
School Chaplains have a distinctive role in the life of a school and college community and are called to make a significant contribution to the faith journey of students, staff, governors, and the wider community.
The post of Chaplain is reserved for practising Catholics with the Bishop represented during the interview process. Headteachers should contact the Education Service before beginning the recruitment process so that dates can be agreed in good time. The following guidance documents aim to support Headteachers and Governors through the appointment process.
This user guide brings together all the CES employment documentation. It explains the requirement for all the CES employment documentation that schools can use during application, recruitment and appointment and then throughout the life of the employment relationship. There is also a compilation of answers to frequently asked questions during the different stages of employment.
> A complete list of all CES employment documentation can be found in Appendix I.
> A complete list of frequently asked questions can be found in Appendix II.
Catholic Education Service (CES) Application Forms for schools recruiting for various posts within Catholic
> Leadership Application Form
> Teacher Application Form
> Support Staff Application Form
> Lay Chaplain Application Form
All these forms are regularly updated and to make sure schools use the latest version each time a post is
advertised, schools should go to the applicable page of the CES website.
Also available are a range of documents that supplement the application forms. These include:
> Notes to Applicants
> Recruitment Monitoring Information Form
> Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 Disclosure Form
Again, these forms are regularly updated and can be found at:
These documents are model policies and procedures for use in Catholic schools and academies. The CES policies and procedures are designed to cover all substantive issues that can arise in a school environment. Models of this nature cannot cover matters that arise which are specific to local circumstances. Whilst schools, in order to comply with the Bishops’ requirements, must adopt the model policies as published by the CES, they may need to be adjusted to meet the specific practical needs of the school and its workforce, in consultation with both staff and local union officials/representatives. Schools are required to seek approval from the diocese when any CES document is amended.
The following documents for Schools in England:
The Disciplinary policy and procedure
Grievance policies and templates
Sickness Absence policy and procedure
Capability policy and procedure
Appraisal policy and procedure
The following documents for Academies in England:
The Disciplinary policy and procedure
Grievance policies and templates
Sickness Absence policy and procedure
Capability policy and procedure
Appraisal policy and procedure