
Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others.  Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 2:4-5


Education in the diocesan family of Catholic academies and schools is about enabling children and young people to reach their true potential. Our vision is based on answering the fundamental question posed by Pope Benedict XVI: 'What kind of person would you really like to be?' Working together, we aim to provide a rounded education for the whole person.

Academy Conversion

The decision to create a small number of Multi Academy Trusts, known as Catholic Education Trusts (CETs) was taken by Bishop Richard and our Board of Trustees in 2015. It was agreed at the outset that diocesan trusts would be collaborative ventures, providing excellent educational opportunities and life-fulfilling experiences within Christ-centred communities.

On the 1 September 2016, our first CET, now known as Xavier Catholic Education Trust, was launched. Today, Xavier serves Catholic schools in Surrey. Bosco Catholic Education Trust, the second diocesan trust, opened just seven months after Xavier and serves Catholic schools in Sussex.

Each Trust is led by a Chief Executive Officer and a Trust Board of Foundation Directors, appointed by Bishop Richard. Both Xavier and Bosco CETs follow the example and teachings of Christ, providing an outstanding Catholic education for all children in their care.

Documents & Policies

The documents in this section cover aspects of the academisation conversion process. Please contact the Director of the Education Service if you would like information on becoming an Academy.

Academies Partnership Committee

In conjunction with the Diocesan Education Service, the Academies Partnership Committee provides a vehicle for collective advice and recommendation in relation to the academies programme. The Committee scrutinises applications from schools wishing to convert to academy status. The Committee’s recommendations to the Bishop are based on due diligence presented by the Catholic Education Trusts, the outcome of consultations undertaken, discussion with the CEO and Chair of the Trust Board and advice from diocesan officers. Recommendations and/or proposed decisions taken by the Committee are subject to ratification by the Bishop and Trustees where they relate to the conversion of a school to academy status.