Volunteering in paRishes

Volunteer Training

There are a wide range of volunteer roles within each parish, including: Parish Safeguarding Representative, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, Youth Group Leader, Catechist, Drama Group Leader, Altar Server and Driver. If you wish to volunteer for a role in church, you should speak to your Parish Priest and Parish Safeguarding Representative, who will be happy to help and advise you.

It is the firm expectation of the Bishop, Trustees and Safeguarding Sub-Committee of Trustees that all those working with vulnerable groups, including children, young people or adults at risk, undertake Safeguarding Training. This is not dependent on their role being eligible for a DBS check. Training can be achieved by individuals completing the relevant Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency (CSSA) Level 3 course online. If you have completed diocesan face-to-face training in the last 3 years, your training requirements are up to date. If you have not completed diocesan safeguarding training in the last 3 years you must complete the relevant online CSSA course.

If you are involved in ministry with Children you must complete the CSSA Level 3 course.

If you are involved in ministry with Vulnerable Adults/Adults at Risk (e.g. as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion) you must complete CSSA Level 3 course.

For access to the training please enrol via this link: W: training.catholicsafeguarding.org.uk/courses or go to W: www.catholicsafeguarding.org.uk and use the Menu in the top right-hand corner to navigate to ‘Resources’ and ‘Training’.

All volunteers working with children or adults at risk must complete Level 3. The course autosaves as the learner progresses, so it can be returned to at the convenience of the learner.

Certificates for completed courses are available to download and print – these are not required for the Diocesan Safeguarding Office as separate notification is sent to the office with details of volunteers' enrolment and completion of the course.

Thank you for all you do in Ministry within our Diocese.