
Bishop Richard's Weekly Reflection: Discipleship is "life lived in the love of God"

May 24, 2024

Dear brothers and sisters,

Jesus’ command to the disciples, recorded by St Matthew in this Sunday’s Gospel, is clear. It provides the Church with her mission – the mission that the Lord calls us to continue today and, indeed, throughout history. Make disciples of all the nations. Baptise. Teach.

The life that comes from this way of discipleship is nothing less than life lived in the love of God. We are called, as St Paul reminds us in his letter to the Romans, to be children of God. This is a call so wonderful that it is, surely, irresistible. To live one’s whole life in the love that exists in God – love beyond all telling. The call to the disciple is to spend one’s entire life growing ever closer to God, who is all love. This is a call that we live out in community – the community of the baptised.

It is a call that carries with it the tremendous responsibility to be an effective example: a person who will introduce others to the person of Christ, a person who will call others to discipleship.

At a time when the world is facing so many challenges, the value of human life from the moment of conception to natural death is disrespected. In a moment where a life in peace is denied to such great numbers, we must reflect on our discipleship – as individuals and as communities. Now is the time to re-commit ourselves to the call that Jesus gives us to be His disciples, His witnesses even to the ends of the earth.

With every blessing,

+ Richard

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