
The CSSA has awarded the diocese a safeguarding grading of 'Results being Achieved'.

February 26, 2024

The Catholic Diocese of Arundel & Brighton, in the first audit of their safeguarding practice, has been judged by the Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency (CSSA) to be graded as ‘Results Being Achieved’.

The Bishop and Trustees are pleased with the outcome of the Safeguarding Baseline Audit and would like to thank the Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency (CSSA) and all those in the diocese who contributed to the audit by submitting evidence to the audit team, undertaking surveys, or attending meetings.

The CSSA awarded the diocese an overall grading of Results being Achieved. This is an encouraging overall rating and reflective of the leadership in safeguarding across the diocese, the professionalism of the Safeguarding Office and the commitment of clergy and volunteers.

The audit recognised a number of safeguarding strengths highlighting the clear vetting and training expectation in place for members of clergy and volunteers, and the commitment to ensure that victim-survivors receive the appropriate support for them, at the time that they want it.

The audit also returned valuable recommendations, identifying the need for a parish volunteer data cleanse, a training needs analysis, and the production of an Annual Safeguarding Report (available below).

The diocesan Safeguarding Team is grateful for the insight provided by the CSSA’s Audit and is working with purpose to ensure its recommendations are actioned in good time. Moving forward, the diocese intends to build on the safeguarding strengths already identified in the report and hopes to be awarded Comprehensive Assurance at the next review.

You can read the CSSA's Executive Summary for the Diocese here.
